When NoNickel.com starting making belts a decade ago, they were simply trying to fill an important need – 100% nickel free belts for men, women, and children so that their uncomfortable itchy abdominal rash from nickel allergy could be a
Don’t Be Scared, Just Be Prepared! RIP Nickel Allergy!
Tricky Nickel seems to show up in surprising places, especially at Halloween! Treat yourself to the helpful advice and products offered by The Nickel Allergy Experts at NoNickel.com. You’ll soon be flying high and nickel rash free. Costumes, accessories, and
Why are my nickel allergy symptoms worse this summer?
It is not just you! As temperatures rise, so do the incidences of nickel reaction. The scientific reason behind this occurrence is fairly easy to understand. Perspiration acts as a conduit to readily transfer nickel ions to the skin. For those people
Granting Your Three Wishes – Happy St. Patrick’s Day from the NoNickel Leprechauns

If you suffer from nickel allergy, you probably have at least three major wishes to improve your condition. Just for you, NoNickel has the solution! No need to capture those tricky leprechauns or find a four leaf clover, all you
Nickel Continues Surge as Allergen of Concern
A recent article in Reader’s Digest was an excellent reminder for the owners of NoNickel.com, that there are yet many people who remain unaware of the potential problems associated with nickel. Those who experience symptoms ranging from irritating red, itchy
The Low-Nickel Diet: Are there benefits?
As the season of holiday feasting begins, nickel allergy sufferers are wondering about the possible effects of diet on their health. The short answer is that only your allergist or dermatologist can accurately advise you on the benefits of a
Concerns Continue as iPhone Causes Nickel Allergy Rash
Once again Apple products are making news in the dermatology field as now the iPhone 6 has been implicated as the cause of a British man’s serious allergic reaction to nickel. Just last year, a young boy was treated for
The Heat Is On & So Are Your Nickel Allergy Symptoms
Originally published on June 17, 2014 by Rita Arrup It’s no coincidence that just as you’re ready to enjoy all the fun that summer has to offer, your nickel allergy rashes start to sideline your activities. As the temperatures rise,
Healthy Spring Cleaning – Sweep Away Nickel Allergy Symptoms!
Originally published on April 4, 2014 by Rita Arrup Spring has finally arrived, after an endless winter filled with dark, dreary, damp days! Let the sun shine in as you illuminate all the areas in your life where nickel is
It’s Time to Change Your Luck – No More Nickel Rash
Originally published on March 4, 2014 by Rita Arrup March is definitely a time of change – the weather shifts from warm and balmy to freezing drizzle in a matter of hours! Coming in like a lion and (hopefully) going