Don’t Be Scared, Just Be Prepared! RIP Nickel Allergy!

Tricky Nickel seems to show up in surprising places, especially at Halloween!  Treat yourself to the helpful advice and products offered by The Nickel Allergy Experts at You’ll soon be flying high and nickel rash free. Costumes, accessories, and

Nickel Comes in Many Disguises; Don’t be Tricked this Halloween!

It can be tricky to prevent nickel allergy symptoms from making an unwelcome appearance on the best of days, but Halloween presents its own set of frightening obstacles. NoNickel owner Lea Dow reports that it is difficult to find nickel

Healthy Spring Cleaning – Sweep Away Nickel Allergy Symptoms!

Originally published on April 4, 2014 by Rita Arrup Spring has finally arrived, after an endless winter filled with dark, dreary, damp days!  Let the sun shine in as you illuminate all the areas in your life where nickel is

Suffering with Nickel Allergy? Don’t Be Tempted by a St. Patrick’s Day Pot of Gold!

Originally published on March 6, 2013 by Rita Arrup For anyone with nickel allergy, it may be a good idea to be wary of gold whether it’s at the end of the rainbow or at the jewelry store. Many people believe

Is Your Healthy Diet Making You Sick? Nickel allergy to food is on the rise.

Originally published on May 23, 2012 by Rita Arrup Recent news reports have implicated the nickel that is found naturally in some healthy foods as responsible for an increased number of food allergy complaints.  Some experts believe that nickel allergy