Originally published December 26, 2012 by Rita Arrup
New Year’s Eve, date night event of the year, is a time to glam it up and get the party started!
Stunning holiday attire from elegant, flowing dresses to shimmering tops with skinny jeans. Don’t forget the glitz – jewelry can make an outfit unforgettable. But some jewelry can make your evening entirely miserable if you are allergic to nickel. Make sure your jewelry is nickel free and rash free!
Why not choose from the luxe assortment of nickel free holiday earrings at NoNickel? Certified Nickel Free™, these earrings will bring the admiring glances but not the itching, burning earlobes! Interested in some recommendations for New Year’s Eve? How about Midnight Spark Nickel Free Earrings – the name says it all! Or make a year-end toast wearing sparkling Champagne Shimmer nickel free earrings. Looking for something glittering and fun? Try the Party Pendant Set. Wow – you’ll BE the party in this electric set – confetti sparkles out of a nickel free pendant and matching earrings combo.
We've said it once and we'll say it again "Nickel allergy rashes are SO last year!" Why deal with itchy rashes from nickel allergy when NoNickel has solutions! Start your New Year with the resolution to be done with nickel allergy rashes. Trust NoNickel for all your nickel allergy needs. The Nickel Allergy Experts at NoNickel have products designed to help anyone with nickel allergy live a comfortable and rash-free life.
Not only do we have amazing jewelry that is handmade just for a special night, but we can also offer ways to detect nickel and protect your skin from nickel. For example, maybe your boyfriend gave you some beautiful earrings for Christmas, but they are causing those burning red rashes. Simply test the earrings with Nickel Alert, then if you find they contain nickel, you can brush on Nickel Guard. Nickel Guard is a lacquer specially formulated to form a microbond with metal that will effectively protect your skin from contacting nickel in jewelry. Such a simple solution to nickel allergy problems.
If belt buckles are causing abdominal itching that won't go away, try the Certified Nickel Free belts and belt buckles at NoNickel. Including many handcrafted genuine leather belt straps, the men's, women's and children's nickel free belt collections at NoNickel are among the most extensive in the world. Stylish and durable, there should be a belt for every taste.
Get started now on your New Year's Resolution to make nickel allergy symptoms a distant memory. NoNickel has over a dozen helpful articles on dealing with nickel allergies from detecting nickel in cell phones to modifying your diet to reduce nickel consumption. The key to managing nickel allergy is knowledge and avoidance of nickel. Celebrate the end of 2012 in style, then move into the new year with confidence that nickel allergy will be overcome. Trust NoNickel to help you on this journey.