Originally published May 27, 2009
New, Updated Website for Athena Allergy-The Nickel Allergy Experts – Nickel Allergy Information News and Solutions
Athena Allergy, the experts in nickel allergy, has launched a new, expanded website. This comprehensive website covers topics which directly impact daily life for nickel allergy sufferers.
Some of the topics include:
- How to easily test for nickel in metal items
- 39 Common items that may contain nickel
- How to safely protect yourself from nickel
- Nickel in jewelry-Yes, even “nickel free” jewelry!
An exciting feature of the new site is an area called Nickel Allergy News. This area provides up to date information on nickel allergy from around the world. The first news item featured is Cell Phone Dermatitis.
The updated site also features an easier to use check out area with payment options including Paypal. Athena Allergy now offers refills for Nickel Alert and Nickel Guard in addition to the complete kit, Nickel Solution.
Your comments and ideas for new nickel allergy articles are welcome.
- Nickel Named 2008 Contact Allergen of the Year
- Cell Phone Dermatitis–nickel allergy goes beyond costume jewelry!